Adding Content To Bibliography

Using Paperpile is it possible to add content/reference to a bibliography without having to cite the reference in the text above.

For instance, using Zotero I can write and cite and then generate a bibliography. Then I can add further references to the bibliography if required without going back into the main text using Zoteros edit bibliogrphy tool. Can I do this in Paperpile? If yes, how?

Thanks for any help in this matter.

No, that’s not possible. There are two workarounds:

  • Just add the citations to the text. You can for example add a line after the bibliography on a separate page and ignore this page. Or you can hide the citations somehow (color them white).
  • You can create a collection of citations within Paperpile and use the “Cite” menu to create a bibliography.

OK, thanks for the knowledge. Being able to edit a bibliography is great for knocking off reading lists…
