Assigning labels or creating notes while adding a paper to the paperpile library

While paperpile provides a nice interface to add notes / labels in the main app window, it is necessary to go to the paperpile app window to do it. Often when we are reading a paper I like to add labels and add a comment to it after going to the paperpile button. Often I keep a separate paperpile window open side by side to do this as soon as the paper is added to paperpile but that takes up some valuable screen real estate. It would be nice if the add to paperpile button offers a facility to label the paper or add a comment to the paper that will get linked with the added paper without having to visit the main paperpile app window. Alternatively a sidebar which consists of the recently added papers can be considered where the comments / labels can be added.

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This is definitely coming. We have concrete plans but as usual I can’t give an estimate when it will be available.

See also my answer in this request:

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My 2c is that the Pocket interface shown above would be a better way of adding Labels within the Paperpile app too. It looks similar to the way bookmark tags are added in Firefox i.e. a comma-separated list with autocompletion. In contrast to a single keyboard shortcut or click and then immediately typing to add a set of labels, at the moment in Paperpile for each one in turn I have to:

  • click Label search
  • type label to discover I don’t have it yet (I have many), select and copy label
  • click add label
  • paste label (or type again)
  • confirm creation
  • drag paper to label
    I find that labels are incredibly useful as a way of tagging papers with what I find important about them and it would be great if it were easier!

Many thanks,

I might have misunderstood your concern, but it’s already possible to create and assign a label just with the keyboard in one step. It has been part of Paperpile since day 1.

That’s from a blog post describing all the stuff you can do with labels:

Thanks - not sure how I missed that - certainly much easier! It would still be nice to be able to enter a comma-separated list of tags. That doesn’t seem possible at the moment.

I agree with you regarding paper tagging. Pocket-style tag entry (both from the browser plug-in and from within Paperpile) could save a lot of time in the long run.