Bug: Paperpile Chrome extension won't save a local PDF opened in Chrome's viewer

Suppose that I download a PDF locally and open that PDF in Chrome’s built-in PDF viewer. E.g. the address bar might show something like


When the Paperpile button in the Chrome toolbar is clicked, it says “Waiting for page to load…” and won’t save the PDF to Paperpile.

A screenshot of what I mean: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/sharex1982/ShareX/2017/04/chrome_2017-04-21_16-20-13.png

It would be good for someone else to replicate this issue.

For security reasons we can’t read files from your hard drive (that’s a good thing).

Actually you should get a warning explaining that rather than “Waiting for page to load”. We’ll look into that why the message is not showing any more.

A workaround is to import the file by dragging it from your hard drive into Paperpile.