Export title, author, label info. as cvs

Is it possible to export journal metadata like title, author, year, and label as cvs file format? Label info is especially what I need. It would be appreciate if such function is available.

I just tried it, and it seems to work.

You can export the entire library from to “settings” --> “export” --> “export to CSV”.
If you just want to export a single folder from your library, you can use the dropdown button next to the folder name in the Paperpile library.

The resulting file will have all the characteristics listed as colums.
Labels are saved in a single column “Labels filed in”.
So a single cell contains multiple labels, separated by “;”.

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Thank you you very much for your kind reply. I will try that.

So a single cell contains multiple labels, separated by “;”.

That feature is exactly what I wanted.

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