Export to spreadsheet

Has there been any progress on this? Or ideas how I could do it?

I now need to do systematic review type analysis on the papers I have collected on a topic, and am not quite sure of the best way to go about it. Basically I need to keep counts of all the papers I collected from the various sources (Medline type, WOS, grey lit, etc), numbers of duplicates, the numbers and reasons of papers subsequently rejected, before then doing analysis into themes, findings, methodology etc etc on the remaining ones - probably somewhere between 100-200.

I’ve thought about attempting it using tags within Paperpile, but as I need to produce a tabular summary of the papers anyway I’m trying to find the most efficient way to do it.

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No I’m afraid there are no news on this. Demand for this feature is low (actually we did not get any requests beyond this thread here).

A workaround could be creating a citation style that includes all the information you need separated by “;” and then import it to Excel or Google Sheets via CSV import.

A quick Google search actually revealed that this has been done before:

I’ve not tested it but perhaps you can upload this CSL file to paperpile then use the “Cite” function to create the CSV for your papers. In case that works please let us know. I would be very interested.

Thanks Stefan, I’ll give it a go and report back.

I’ve not had a chance to try your suggestion yet, but I’ve just come across this on the google docs blog - would it be of any use for this type of situation?

It’s technically clearly possible for us to do but at the moment I’m afraid it’s nowhere near the top of our roadmap.

Having finally tried uploading the updated version of that file you found, I’m now having repeated ‘something has gone wrong’ ‘need to reload Chrome extension’ messages when I try to change to that style. I’m not sure if the two events are connected or not, as having previously set the citation style to the one required for my course, I haven’t tried to change it until now.

However, once it has reloaded it will produce a csv file, so the basic idea shows potential. Would it be possible to add tags to the output or is that a ridiculously complicated wish list item?

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Hi, I have the same messages. On top “Copying formatted citations” and a clock icon.

What exactly did you do? I just quickly googled this and don’t even know if this link is actually a valid CSL file.

Hello Stefan

I downloaded and extracted the file from the link you gave, and then uploaded it to Paperpile using the Settings>Citation Styles>Custom Styles that I found in another thread about User Created Reference Styles, and then tried setting the reference style to that one. I cant remember exactly what wasn’t right about it, but it didn’t work as expected, so I then went back to the adamsmith link and spotted the revised file in the next tab. I then repeated the procedure as above which seemed to be slightly more successful, but I’m now having all these issues around ‘need to reload Chrome extension’ messages.

I have no idea about whether or not it is a valid CSL file either, I just assumed it was. What I would really like, in an ideal world, is just some simple way of choosing the types of the information I’d like to export - Title, Author (short form), Year, Abstract, and Tags (as individual attributes, not a collection). If this could be done using check boxes to modify as needed that would brilliant. From here, it feels as though setting this up as a reference style should be possible, but I don’t know enough about either CSL or the inner workings of PaperPile to know if such a thing is possible.

I have compiled a CSL file that exports the most basic fields as semicolon separated fields. Any decent spreadsheet software should be able to parse it correctly. The style can be uploaded to Paperpile as a custom style via “Settings > Citation Styles > Custom styles”.

csv-export.csl (4.8 KB)

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Thank you Andreas.

Great support from you both, really appreciated!

Thanks @andreas

With the latest update of Paperpile, you can now export your references to CSV.


Thank you for doing the CSV export. I may not use it very often, but it will be a time saver when I need it.

I also required this feature of csv export and thanks that paper pile is giving the same

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I appreciate having the CSV export and have been using it quite a bit for a project I am working on. Today, however, I discovered a weird little glitch: If an article has “low” page numbers, for example

  • 4-13

  • 10-12
    then these pages get converted into dates when I open in Excel, ie, 4-13 becamse 4/13/2017 and 10-12 became 10/12/2017.

Would you have any idea on what I could do to prevent this? Thanks in advance!

When you import the data, you can go through each column and set the format for the column. I don’t remember which step it is in the import process.

Thanks Andreas!..

I am working a lot in metaanalysis and systematic review type analysis on the papers I have collected on a topic and paperpile (reference manager) is very important for this.
This type of work is comun in medicine, public health and others science.

Thanks alot

Hello, how can I export a single selected record? this record is not in a folder

That’s currently not possible. You need to put it in a folder first. With “F” as shortcut that’s usually very fast.

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