Help with referencing format - multiple authors

Hi there,

I’m using the Harvard referencing syle.

How do I get Paperpile to list all the authors of an article instead of putting them down as et. al?

Here’s an example below:

In text: The differences were found to be valid (Graña et al. 2004)


Graña, J.L. et al., 2004. Effects of viewing videos of bullfights on Spanish children. Aggressive Behavior, 30(1), pp.16–28.

This article has 6 authors. However, in the Paperpile reference list (as shown above), it still shows up at Grana et al. instead of listing all their names. I’ve had this problem with Paperpile when it comes to 3 or more authors. How can I address this?

Also, how can I get all 6 author names to also show up in the in-text reference as well, without having to manually to do this as this could be very time consuming otherwise.

Many thanks for your help
Best regards

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