Highlighting at top of PDF selects entire text

I can’t seem to highlight text at the top of a PDF. It works fine further down, but when I try near the top the entire page gets selected. Does anyone else have this issue?

I am generally reading 2 column pdfs using Chrome.

Otherwise I am loving Paperpile and MetaPDF.

Could you send this particular PDF file to andreas@paperpile.com? That would help a lot in debugging.

Not sure if this is the same issue reported here, but I believe it might be related.

Here is an example of highlighting not working as expected. PDF can be downloaded here: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00261-015-0396-x

Text selected:

(portion of) highlight after clicking “h”:

Hi Andrey,

Thanks for reporting. Highlights that span multiple pages are currently not supported. Until we get to implement it we will turn it off that a case like this does not happen anymore.
