How to add a note or remark as an endnote?

Hi, I want to make a “remark” as an endnote. I’m not citing some other work, I just want to make a “note” at the end, with a number on it, that goes with part of the text.
How do I do that? I don’t see any options for such a thing.

For now I’ve simply created a fake “book”, with the title being the entire text of my note. :-/

Endnote are - to the best of my knowledge - not supported by Google Docs. I think the simplest way to add an endnote is to do it manually: insert a number in the text, change it to a superscript number, then write the corresponding number and note manually at the end of the document.

Your workaround may work just as well, but since adding such notes to documents is not a function of Paperpile I would not recommend it; it would add unnecessary clutter to your library.