Linking to Repository Aggregators?

Hi, Paperpile is great product to use on a Chromebook. thanks!. There a number of aggregators for Institutional Repositories like Driver and the Bielefeldt Academic Search Engine (BASE) and CORE (which has millions of academic PDFs harvested from Repositories). What would it take for Paperpile to build connectors to these? Just a suggestion. Gerry

Should be not a problem at all. @andreas will have a look to see if there are any technical issues. In principle, we are happy to extend our support for new sources whenever possible. We need to prioritize though (typically by how popular these sources are) so I can’t give an estimate when we get to it.

As another menu item under the “add PDF button” - similar to the 'Search Google term"?
Search CORE

For example for Toyama, B.H., Savas, J.N., Park, S.K., Harris, M.S., Ingolia, N.T., Yates, J.R., 3rd, Hetzer, M.W., 2013. Identification of long-lived proteins reveals exceptional stability of essential cellular structures. Cell 154, 971–982.

the title text any where in the article (recommended)

or title

Thanks for these suggestions. Especially CORE seems like a very useful resource, and we hope to integrate it as soon as possible.

Hi Andreas, thanks for this positive response. I do hope you can make the connections. I think it would be worth looking at both CORE and BASE.
The former claims to have 1.8 million full texts from 600 repositories (mainly from the UK).
The latter claims to “hold 70 million documents from more than 3,000 sources, with around 70% of the indexed documents also holding the full text”.

With the latest release of Paperpile we have added support for both BASE (with buttons on the search results page) and CORE.