Paperpile development progress

thank you Jason. It seems to only work sometimes on the individual pages. Here are some that I found did not work for me:

Hornyak, Lynne (Sum 2002). 13-15. APA Division 30, Society of Psychological Hypnosis. - no PDF

Wallace, C. E. (2015). Electronic health records: A graduate student’s experience. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 3(2), 179-181. - no/partial metadata

Rados, Carol; US Department of Health and Human Services; Food and Drug Administration (Mar 2006). US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Food and Drug Administration (FDA). - no metadata, no/partial PDF

Holloway, Jennifer Daw (Jan 2004). American Psychological Association (APA), Governance Affairs Office. - no PDF, partial metadata

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