Recent bugs in Google Docs: Read this if Paperpile crashes!

Here is how you can help make Google fix it and how to work around the issue for the time being.

Since a couple of weeks Paperpile crashes on documents that

  • contains page breaks imported from Word document
  • has a multiple column layout

It has been a support challenge for us as we get lots of frustrated reports on this. We can feel the frustration.

Unfortunately it’s a bug in Google Docs and not in Paperpile. Google fixes bugs based on how many “stars” the bug reports get.

Please help bring attention to the issue and star the following two bugs:

As a workaround for the time being please do the following:

  • Locate all page breaks in your document and delete them (i.e. press delete until the two pages separated by the page break come together). Then re-insert a new page break with “Insert > Page break”.
  • Use a single column layout for your document.