Searching by label

any update?

I’m afraid not. We will have some nice new things for labels hopefully with a release this Sunday but this did not make it in.

any luck this time?

Sorry, no news here. I truly hate to dissapoint some of our most loyal users with such a long waiting time for an important feature.

However, we’ve grouped this feature together with some other improvements of the search box (including full text search of PDFs) and it has not hit the top of our roadmap yet.

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Stephen, did you notice that you can sort labels alphabetically now? This seems to address your problem pretty well in the meantime.

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that’s okay Stefan, I know you guys are busy developing other useful features too. I can live with using the dedicated label window for now.

thanks, yes, that makes it easier to search (and pinning helps too).

Agreed, I would like to be able to search by label or ANY field within a citation.

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Just to confirm we have not forgot about this. Here is a quick preview of our first implementation of this feature. We are testing internally and hope to release it soon.

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When i alphabetize labels, is there a way to have that alphabetization show up in the drop down labelling function? Hope this is clear :smile:

Hi Stefan, My paperpile doesn’t give me the search results which include the lables/folders as shown in your screenshot. Do we have his feature after 2+ years? Thanks.

If you mean sorting labels alphabetically in your label search results, this seems to be implemented now.

Hi Dzemila,

I meant that in Stefan’s screenshot, when he typed in several letters of the keyword, the search result will start to provide some matches from wither the lables or folders created. I assume that I can simply click on either one and just directly to there. Moreover, the “Search online for…” and “Search PDFs for…” options are shown there.

However, in my Paperpile, there is no such function at all (screenshot attached). The search bar only gives me the matched articles in my personal library. I was all the time expecting the quick search available because I have hundreds of folders/sub-folders.


The function you’re describing doesn’t exist but instead, you can search your tags directly. Next to the labels list there’s a magnification glass that lets you search for your labels. Then you can click on what you want and go from there

Umm, interesting. I don’t see the “magnification glass” anywhere near my label list.

Moreover, it sounds like the “folder searching” function does not exist. I can only do “label search” instead which means I have to manually label all my articles again (unless there is a way to convert them automatically).

No this unfortunately never made it to production. Mainly because the underlying infrastructure to “Search PDF” and “Search online” was not there to make this dialog as awesome as intended. But we used the time to heavily invest in both areas so this will come eventually.

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We don’t have this for folders. The idea is that folders are hierarchical and you only have a limited number of folders at the same level.

Unfortunately there is no automatic way to convert between labels and folders.

Hi Stefan,

Thank you so much for your explanation. I know what to expect at least. It will be painful, but I think it is nice for me to learn how to use labels and start to convert all my existing folders into labels manually.

By the way, I don’t see the magnifier for search next to my labels as everybody mentioned. Is there anything which I forget to switch on to let it show?


It will show up once you have at least 10 labels.

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Mystery solved! Thanks a lot, Jason.