Working with Ovid

Ovid (as horrible a service as it is) is key for anyone working in health-related research. And for many of us DOIs will resolve to pages on Ovid.

But the Paperpile extension doesn’t find any papers on Ovid pages (for me, at least). Right now I’m trying to save this paper:

Any chance we could get this working?

Furthermore, once a paper is in my library, Paperpile cannot auto-download PDFs from Ovid, even if I have access.

I don’t know how to share Ovid links in a way that they will work for other people.


The DOI redirects to a Wolters Kluwer landing page, where the user has to choose between Ovid and LWW for access. Since we a priori do not know via which one of those tow links we will finally get the PDF, we have to adjust Paperpile to follow both links.

We hope to resolve this with the next release of Paperpile.

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