APA bibliography missing location for books

Hello. I am using your pre-set APA style for citations, and when I insert my bibliography, the books are missing their “Address” data in the “Location” place of the bibliography citation. I have data entered for the location in the “Address” field, but it is not getting pulled in to my APA style bibliography. Can this be corrected ASAP, or is there a way for me to customize the APA style you offer to fit the actual APA 6th edition manual? Thanks!

Apologies for the delay, Jamila. The new, more minimalistic 7th edition of APA was recently added to CSL (the online database which supplies our styles) and I suspect you might have that set as your style.

To switch back to 6th edition on your document, click Paperpile > Citation style and write ‘american psych’ on the search bar. You will see the different editions listed in the results like below.

If you wish to continue using the 6th edition, please make sure you change the style via your Paperpile library settings as well.