Add paper from ResearchGate

The extension currently doesn’t find any papers on ResearchGate pages. It would be helpful if it did.



We had a look at some ResearchGate pages and it seems that these pages contain bibliographic data in form of a “COinS” element. Paperpile already supports this format and it should not be too difficult to implement import from ResearchGate pages in the near future.


Also ResearchGate is a source of full-texts for people outside of the walled gardens of the publishers… It would be good if PaperPile could exploit that source.

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This now appears to have been implemented

For some reason (presumably changes at RG’s end), saving papers in ResearchGate no longer works properly. A citation for the website is created instead of a citation for the paper itself. It would be very helpful if this could be fixed.

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Thanks for reporting. Will be fixed with the next release of Paperpile.