Unable to share PDFs imported from Mendeley

I recently started using Paperpile and I imported my library from Mendeley. I just realized that while I try and share the files I imported from Mendeley with my lab mates, I get the error: “Sorry, the shared file you are looking for could not be found”, though I can view the pdf myself (it opens when I try it from Paperpile directly). This though does not happen with say a file I have added directly to my paperpile account.

Though not a huge inconvenience as they still get the name of the paper and can download it themselves, it might be helpful if it can be fixed.

Can you please have a look at our troubleshooting guide: https://paperpile.com/troubleshooting#sharing

One immediate thing that comes to my mind is that you imported many PDFs from Mendeley and they are not yet completely synced to google Drive.

If the error persists, just drop us a note through the in app messenger and I can have a look at your account.

The problem was the files not being uploaded to google drive. Surprisingly a lot of my files were not uploaded to drive even though I did sync.


And I’m having problems syncing again. Its similar to Problem: Google Drive sync very strangely broken. When I click on sync. It’s starts to sync then it goes directly from “Uploading files to google drive 1 of 90” to “All files synced” and I don’t find my newly added files on google drive.

Can you send us a note through the in app messenger (the button on the bottom right) and I’ll have a look at your account.

It turned out there was some problem with Google Drive authorization. In such cases, there is an easy fix by re-authorizing Google Drive access for Paperpile: https://paperpile.com/reauthorize