Add a number to Notes (as done for Attached Files)


It would be useful that, when one adds a Note to a paper, this would be somehow more visible than just by making the pencil icon a bit thicker. This could be done by either also changing the color of the pencil icon to red (for example), or by putting a “1” next to the thicker pencil icon (as done for Attached Files)… even though I think the former would make more sense as such a number would always be “1” for Notes.

Of course Notes are searchable, but having a more obvious visual clue that there is a note associated with a certain paper would certainly not hurt!

Best, Luca

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Thanks. Actually we just happened to think about this particular thing. We are working on an update for notes and you will be able to have multiple notes and you will also see annotations from the PDF right within Paperpile. So the UI will change considerably.

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Excellent, thanks! I look forward to trying the new UI.