Hello, I’m using and loving both the app and the web interface, looking forward to use the new beta. I’m also using the app in my Boox Note Air e-ink tablet, and while it works great overall, it is imposible to annotate a pdf in-app with the pen due to the lack of optimization for this kind of devices.
Right now (for anyone who might be interested on a solution) I’m syncing GDrive folder with a local folder using FolderSync, annotating them in the native book reader, and syncing them back to drive. While this works, it is not ideal.
I also know this devices are still somewhat niche, but given how useful they are for paper read and annotation, I think it would be a great feature to be added in the future.
Thanks for the feedback @Miguel_Ramon and @NiksaVel! This is very much on our radar. A complete rewrite of our web PDF viewer is planned; once work towards that has begun the team will also consider improving our support of stylus/handwriting for both web and mobile. I’ve added both your +1s to the topic on our tracker.
I just wanted to check in and ask how things are going with the support for wink readers and the annotation devices. I am really interested in using this.
Welcome to our forum, @Daniel_Graeber! We have not yet been able to prioritize updates for our PDF viewer, but they are planned — we will be in a better position once our new interface is fully implemented. I’ve added your +1 to the topic on our tracker for the team’s consideration.
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For me the ideal case would be to (as you can in the web app) allow the user to select the PDF browser - then I could use the internal Neo Reader app (which is pretty good, and optimised for the device), assuming that it cleanly updates the file in a way the the Paperpile app see it etc.