APA chapter scrape not working

sometimes. Here’s an example:

here’s what it looks like in PP

then if you trash it and empty the trash, you get

but you can’t actually view it in PP, because the paper no longer exists

BTW, I’ve reported this problem a coupla times before

Thanks for bringing this to our attention again, Bruce. I found some of your old correspondence on the matter. Is the import consistently missing the same information on that and other papers? Does the import dialogue remain like that (‘View in Paperpile’ after paper was trashed) even after refreshing the page?

If possible, please share some example links so we can try to reproduce on our end - I had trouble finding the one on your screenshot. Let me know and I’ll get the team involved to check this out.

I think it might not happen on every chapter, but when it does not work, it consistently fails. Here are some more examples
Acheson, K., Finley, A., Hickman, L., Sternberger, L., & Shealy, C. (2021). Interdisciplinary innovations in formative and summative assessment: The Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory; VALUE rubrics; and the Cultural Controllability Scale. In S. A. Nolan, C. M. Hakala, & R. E. Landrum (Eds.), Assessing undergraduate learning in psychology: Strategies for measuring and improving student performance (p. 243–262). American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/0000183-016



Baumann, M. R., & Deller, J. C. (2021). Composition and compilation: A selective review and applications to therapy groups. In C. D. Parks & G. A. Tasca (Eds.), The psychology of groups: The intersection of social psychology and psychotherapy research (p. 51–68). American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/0000201-004



Beers, M. (2021). A framework for setting educational priorities. In S. A. Nolan, C. M. Hakala, & R. E. Landrum (Eds.), Assessing undergraduate learning in psychology: Strategies for measuring and improving student performance (p. 25–40). American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/0000183-003



Burkman, K., Maguen, S., & Purcell, N. (2021). Impact of killing: A treatment program for military veterans with moral injury. In J. M. Currier, K. D. Drescher, & J. Nieuwsma (Eds.), Addressing moral injury in clinical practice (p. 203–221). American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/0000204-012


Thanks for the details, Bruce. Passing on to the team for review, will update you when I hear back.