Attach/edit files from handwriting app in iPad


I work a lot on my iPad handwriting app (I use Goodnotes5) and paperpile handwriting app is not rich enough for me yet. I want to understand if cross editing is possible i.e. annotate pdfs in Goodnotes and have the pdf uploaded automatically.

In any case, as a simpler solution, a capability to attach pdf to a paper from a handwriting app or, just from the local storage would be ok.


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I understand your position, @Rahul_Kashyap, especially considering we haven’t been able to really prioritize improving the handwriting/stylus experience on our apps yet. The matter is on our radar, however, as is the possibility to import / attach PDFs directly to library entries on mobile (just mentioned on this other post).


+1 for a solution that makes it easier to use other apps to interact with the PDFs in Paperpile. I agree with the linked post, the issue with trying to implement all of these features is that no matter how much Paperpile works on things like handwriting with a stylus, dedicated writing apps like Goodnotes are probably always going to do it better (this is not a criticism, these apps are putting all of their resources into giving the best writing experience possible, while this is only a small subset of the many [great] features that Paperpile offers.)

It would be great if you were able to use Apple’s Open in Place API in your application. This allows documents from one app to be opened in and edited by another application, without making copies (according to the linked post, it seems like this is possible in Android as well). Other reference applications like Bookends use this to make it possible to use the share sheet to open up a PDF stored in the reference manager in an application like Goodnotes, write on it, and then save those changes back to the original - without having to worry about dealing with duplicate files. (Edited to include information from the linked post; sorry, should have read it first).


I absolutely agree with @gavinbrooks. Starting out with my PhD I want to keep my handwritten notes & summaries as close as possible to the source PDF and this seems to be a perfect way to do it. Particularly adding blank pages in the PDF could be very helpful to write more comprehensive summaries - as would be possible with Goodnotes. However, if i may cherry-pick, i than would rather use your text marker, that easily spans multiple lines, rather than Goodnotes text marker, which is more of a freehand single line tool.

Another viable alternative in my “Summary case” would be to allow multiple file attachments alongside the source PDF. I imagine having the source PDF open and than switching to a Goodnotes file - where i could insert screenshots of the source into my notes.

Overall, I think the least complicated feature would be to allow inserting blank pages into the source and than use the available tools (+ maybe screenshots? → This way I could annotate or reorganize e.g. graphics and put them into a broader context).


I agree with your suggestion of allowing adding empty pages.

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