Auto-completion of entries

I’m just moving from Mendeley because of some computer issues and that I was going to be moving around a bit. I’m in the process of moving my reference library, but have a bunch of files that didn’t import. I’m resigned to having them with strange titles for the time being (though it would be great if those were renamed in google docs, though I realize that is probably too big an ask), but one thing that would be nice would be auto-completion of, well, any of the entries. I think that Mendeley works off of what you already have in your collection, but even if I had to enter a list of titles, authors, and/or publishers that would then be drawn from, that would be great.

Apologies if this has been mentioned, but it didn’t turn up on a search.

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I was just trying to create a book chapter entry and was wishing that it would just auto-complete the data from the book that is already in the database.

(I know that many have made this request before, but I couldn’t find those older entries, so entering it here.)

@aravind in our team spent quite some time rewriting the metadata edit dialog making it smarter. Also we invested in our data layer powering article and book search. In combination, things should get much smoother.

Hi Stefan, I just read that feature requests pre 2020 weren’t tracked so I wanted to raise this again.

I realize that auto completion for everything would be quite challenging, but if it could just do it from our own accounts for things like publishers, it would be very helpful.

@jtomei Thanks for bumping this up; this request is on the tracker. I can confirm that this feature request is still planned. As Stefan said, the metadata edit dialog has been rewritten to improve autocompletion of entries because this would be very helpful for users.