auto sync with mendeley

I typically use mendeley as I usually use researcherapp on my iphone and it would automatically save my interested paper to mendeley. Is it possible that you will sync my mendeley library automatically or I need to sync by myself by click “add papers from other program” everyday? If I need to manually sync with mendeley, will that end up duplicated papers import?

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We do not support any methods of keeping your Paperpile library synced with other reference managers. We have no control over when and how Mendeley or other reference managers change their APIs and so continuous syncing is not something we have the resources to support.

You can import your Mendeley library, but repeated imports may result in many duplicates, ignored edits, duplicated PDF files, etc. We therefore do not recommend this method.

If Mendeley allows you to export subsets of your library in RIS or Bibtex format, then we can import those. I know others also face this problem, so perhaps they will have some tips in the answers below.

Thank you for the tip about the Researcher app.

You can use the workaround in this tip: auto sync with mendeley

Basically, sync your Google drive folder, and watch it in Mendeley. But if you need the other way around, not sure!