BibTex Export Workflow not Working in New Paperpile

Hello there,

I switched to the new paperpile last year. Everything was mostly working fine. But at some point, automatic BibTeX export (through workflow/integrations) stopped working.

Error code in the Workflow - Automatically export BibTex files window:

“Cannot read property ‘includes’ of undefined”

This is really confusing because it doesn’t’ work even if I:

  • have moved all my files to trash (but did not empty trash)
  • have deleted all folders
  • have deleted all labels
  • re added a single reference

My last resort, which I have not taken, is to delete all files from the trash.

HOWEVER, when I go back to the old version of Paperpile, the export works just fine.

This is very frustrating because new version was working fine but at some point it just stopped working. I was in the middle of the academic year so I just swapped back to old version and it worked there.

Now I’m trying new version again. This is really worrisome because if the new version is to replace old version then at some point if this is not fixed my entire workflow will just break. (I sync the bib file via Google Drive to my local files which gets captured by plug-in in Obsidian).

This is also very frustrating because how can the workflow not be able to export a library with a single reference? Is there a hidden corrupted file somewhere? Is the workflow checking even trashed files? An old cached file still causing trouble? If an empty library can’t even work, how can I expect to troubleshoot which reference (if it’s at all a problem with any of my reference) is the culprit?

Please let me know what I can do to help address this serious problem.


@art Thanks for reaching out. To look into this issue, we need the email you use for your Paperpile account. Rather than sharing that here, can you contact us directly via chat in the web app or email