Bulk Addition of PMIDs

I haven’t quite seen this request: when I am performing a literature review through Pubmed, I may easily have to sift through several hundred papers. Usually I select the ones which are interesting in their “Clipboard”. Once I am done, I have a refined list of the cases which are of interest to me. Pubmed allows me to view them as a list of PMIDs. It would be great if I could copy paste this same list into Paperpile and then it can import each reference automatically.

I know you can enter articles into Paperpile via the “hot button”, but you have to do that one at a time. The workflow that Pubmed has is more streamlined and since Paperpiles already recognized PMIDs easily, one can argue that a bulk import would be reasonable. Thought?


  • JJ

UPDATE: Well I did find a work around! By exporting the list from Pubmed as an XML file, I could then import the entire list of references into Paperpile. However since we work with PMIDs far more often, I still think it would be a reasonable feature to incorporate!

yes, that is also the workaround I would have suggested. I have put your request on our feature list.