Bulk Download and Download w/o Annotations

  • It would be very useful if one could download PDFs in bulk after selecting multiple papers.
  • It would also be useful to be able to download PDFs in an unannotated form in case you want to send someone a paper without all your highlights embedded in it.

I haven’t been able to find these options but please point it out if they exists.


Bulk PDF downloads are not currently possible from within Paperpile - only via Google Drive. We don’t have concrete plans for this but the request has come up before so I’m adding your +1 to the topic on our internal tracker.

You can download a PDF without its annotations by opening in our viewer and selecting Print, then choosing the option Save as PDF on the dialog that opens.

Is it still not possible? I need to download locally small groups of PDFs and I cannot find a way of doing this. any workaround? doing it through drive is painful…

If you star the papers of interest (instead of selecting), and have google drive for desktop installed, all the starred pdfs seem accessible from windows file explorer in G:\My Drive\Paperpile\Starred Papers. From there, you can copy, attach, etc…


thank you! I have done it this way, and it works. first I selected the tag, then “starred” all of the references at once with drag&drop, and then exported from drive. after that I had to “unstar” the ref one by one. would be lot easier if one could download in bulk.
thank you,

Welcome to our forum, @fferraro! Further to @heumed’s suggestion, you can also sync your library folder structure to Google Drive and download entire folders at a time from there. Clicking the Drive icon near the top right corner of your library and then Configure… will reveal the sync options:

In any case, we’ve added your +1 to the topic on our tracker.

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Once you have multiple sources selected, you can star and unstar all by simply clicking on the star symbol by one of the sources. No need to unstar one at a time.

You also can avoid the export step by installing Google Drive desktop. All the pdfs simply appear in the folder I mentioned as soon as you start them.

So your workflow can boil down to selecting the tag of interest, select all, star all, go to your Starred google drive folder using file explorer or finder and all the pdfs should be there. Afterwards, simply bulk unstar the still selected references and you’re done.

Hope that helps


Can someone please confirm whether this is working with the “new” beta Paperpile? If so, is the process exactly the same? It doesn’t appear to be working for me

@ajn Thanks for your report. Can you give some information on what is not working for you?