Can no longer access PDF of existing record from chrome browser

The behavior of paperpile chrome extension seems to have changed (not for the better). Previously, if I happened upon a paper that is already in my library, I could open the PDF by clicking on the “P” extension icon, and clicking the PDF button. Now, that feature has disappeared. It’s annoying because to read a paper that I re-found in the browser, I have to search for it again by going to the paperpile page and conducting a new search.

Here is a 1m video showing my experience:

Is this a deliberate change, and if so: why?

I’m using ChromeOS on a PC.


Thank you for sharing the video, @Jeremy_Levy, and welcome to the forum. This behavior is not intentional. What you showed looks like a bug and I have let the team know. I will keep you updated.

We released an update to the extension (1.5.648) this week @Jeremy_Levy. If you are continuing to experience this issue, please let us know.

it works again, thanks!!

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