Can't open PDFs?

Anytime I click on the ‘pdf’ button next to an article the ‘pdf’ does not open:(

Welcome to our forum, @Sophie_Wu — is this still the case, even after reloading / restarting? Is it happening both on the new beta ( and the current/old interface ( Let me know.

I have the same issue, both in the new and old versions now. It wasn’t an issue before, but it started after I tried the latest beta. Maybe somehow it changed the link to google docs or file structure?

Thanks for the report @Miyakuzi, and welcome to our forum as well! Links to GDrive and file structure remain the same, and there haven’t been other reports of this so far so luckily it doesn’t seem like a general issue.

If you haven’t already, please restart the browser and try signing out of / back in to both Paperpile and Google. If you’re signed in to more than one account on Chrome, please try the same from a fresh Chrome Profile where you’re only signed in to your Paperpile-associated Google account.

If the issue is persisting, before reloading the app, can you share a screenshot of the browser Console that I can pass along to the team for investigation? You can follow the steps on this video. In the Chrome menu, go to More Tools > Developer Tools; find the Console tab in the sidebar that opens. Error messages are in red and you can take a screenshot of those and/or copy them to the clipboard and paste them to a text file. Feel free to post the screenshot here, share it via our in-app messenger or email (