Capital first letter of subsequent citations

I’m faced with authors who have abbreviations in their middle names, for example: Teun A. van Dijk, and Chris L de Wet.

In Paperpile, I assign the author as: van Dijk, Teun A

With the first full citation, I’m using CMS (custom), the author is footnoted correct as: Tuen A. van Dijk, “paper title,” journal title etc…

The problem is in the subsequent citations, it gets footnoted as: van Dijk, “paper title,” page …the problem is that first letter should be Capital, currently it is left small letter. It should cited as: Van Dijk, “paper title,” page number.

Is this a bug? Do you have suggestion to fix it, other than manually?

thank you.

Hi, Father David, for any exceptions to general rules, you can force PP to accept literal text by enclosing the text in squiggly brackets {}

Thank you Bruce.
If I do this then, in the above example, Van will always be capital even in the first citation, while it should not.

It only needs to be capital because it is the first letter in the line.
It at least if I understood the function of those brackets correctly.

@Fr_David_Elias you are correct, CMoS guidelines specify subsequent notes should be capitalized, so it should be a rule present in the style code. Unfortunately the regular note & full note versions of Chicago present in the CSL database do not seem to contemplate this rule.

You mention using a custom version, did you perhaps edit it yourself using CSL’s editor? Modifying the style code would be the only workaround in this case. Let me know.