Citation Style Keeps Changing

I keep having to change my citation style back to APA 6th edition. When I change it, I save it and go back to my document but when I update the citations it changes the style again to Chicago, even through the Paperpile website has it saved as APA 6th.

It appears Google docs isn’t updating it…

Please assist?

To change the citation style of a given document please go to Paperpile --> Citation Style in the Google Docs menu. Then format the citations.

The style you set in the app affects citations created there as well as any future Google Docs, but does not affect existing documents.

I am having the same issue. I followed the steps you list above but when I format the citations, it resets it to Chicago style. Can you suggest what might be causing this?

@sylvie_lomer is this still happening? Did you change the citation style directly on the Google Doc, like below?

Let me know if the style still won’t take.