I am just switching back to Paperpile after trying it out earlier in my dissertation, switching to Mendeley, and now switching back to Paperpile (hopefully).
I see the “Convert From” selection but when I try to convert my Mendeley in-text citations over to Paperpile to reformat the bibliography, it pops up with a window saying no Mendeley references are found. However, if I open my Mendeley Word plugin everything is there. Am I missing something?
Welcome to our forum, @Erin_Summerlin. If the references have been inserted with Mendeley Cite, then unfortunately, our Word plugin can’t detect them, and so they can’t be automatically converted to Paperpile references. This is a limitation we haven’t yet had the resources to address, but I’ve added your +1 to our feature tracker for our product team’s consideration.
To change them to Paperpile references, you will need to insert the citations with our Word plugin. You can use a combination of Find and Replace in Word to find each citation and our Word plugin keyboard shortcut Shift-Cmd-P or Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows and Linux) to open the citation window to search for each citation in your Paperpile library.
You can also search for the articles/books online if you haven’t already added the citations to your Paperpile library: