Dark theme for iOS in-app navigation

The iOS pdf dark reader works great on both iPad and iPhone. However, the navigation part of the app seems to be lacking a dark theme. Would be great to have a consistent theme for both especially while switching between papers or searching for new ones!

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Welcome to our forum, @origin_99! This is something we do hope to implement over future updates of the app, so I’ve added your +1 to the topic on our tracker. Any further feedback welcome.

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Hello, I am considering Paperpile as a cross-platform tool; at present I have all my papers on Bookends for iOS.
The availability of a dark mode option for any platform would be a plus because my sight is quite far from perfect and I have issues in reading the text in the iOS Paperpile app.
So I add my +1 to the request, possibly extended also to the browser version.
Thank you.

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The iOS pdf dull peruser works perfectly on both create an app iPad and iPhone. Nonetheless, the route part of the application is by all accounts without a dull subject. Would be perfect to have a steady subject for both particularly while exchanging between papers or looking for new ones!