Does Paperpile have a proper support in place?

I’ve been using the app for a short while, I’m wondering why out of nowhere the annotation pane and buttons go blank (greyed out). Feels like randomly they work or not on certain documents, and even on the same PDF might stop working after a little while. Am I missing something here?

Welcome to our forum, and thank you for your feedback, @Hadi_Rad. Our support is asynchronous. I have replied to your email. We haven’t received other reports of this issue in the past few days. Has this just started happening for you, or has it been happening over a continuous period of weeks?


Thanks @suzanne

Over the past couple days it happened a few times. I checked with another person in my tram (as I had planned to subscribe for team reading) and they had exact same issue. It locks once in a while with fill annotation pane greying out. The file is dowloaded properly, that is not the source of the problem I believe. Same time opened it on my ipad and it resolved the issue temporarily, again back to windows and it was disabled. There should be some sort of bug assiciated with this I believe …

@suzanne : we’re still struggling with this — follow up per our email conversation. We’re testing with a group everyone has the same issue. On the webapp, the annotation tool pane goes grey and won’t work - this is not locked on the apps though, we can annotate on apps. We also noticed annotations made by one user in a shared group are not visible to the others. We appreciate your support as we need to make a decision on adopting Paperpile within our broader team.

I’ve shared the issues you’ve been having with the PDF viewer toolbar going gray with the team, @Hadi_Rad. Regarding annotations not being visible to others, in shared folders, make sure that (i) the owner switches on the Share notes and annotations switch in the sharing dialog so anyone with access to the folder can see their notes and annotations and (ii) collaborators have the “Editor” permission so that they can add annotations. Shared libraries are independent from your library and have their own set of PDF annotations. In shared libraries and shared folders that are shared with you, when you open a PDF, you can choose between the shared annotations or your private set of annotations.

You can learn more about our sharing features here.