Equations in Comments

Would it be possible to enter equations into comments and have them rendered with MathJax (both in MetaPDF and the exported HTML annotations)?

I’m thinking something similar to how RMarkdown incorporates the ability to write LateX equations.

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+1 for markdown + math support

In the mean time, you can use the chrome extension “TeX All the Things” to achieve this. The extensions is a little weird though because it will sometimes renders normal text on the webpage as math.

+1 for this feature.

+1 for this from me as well.

Thanks @Karl_Hahn and @Rahul_Kashyap for bumping this feature request. We are currently prioritizing updates to the web app, but I have added your +1s to our internal tracker for the team’s consideration in the future.

Thanks for the prompt reply. I love Paperpile. However, I think, we need to have a format of export that can be moved over to LATEX more easily. It would not be an exaggeration to say that almost everyone in mathematics, Physics, and Astronomy uses LATEX to write their papers and they would be more willing to adopt Paperpile as their primary tool if Paperpile allows some of the features which allows smooth workflow to write in Latex.

Personally, a lack of such features would be a show stopper for me, eventually. I would definitely require an export feature of all of my thoughts that came while reading a paper. Most of the time that is a good starting point for new research.

More on attracting Physicists and Mathematicians –

They would require –

  • Find all PDF with notes/annotations/highlights etc. So, that I can apply a tag filter and get all my notes on a particular topic.
  • Export notes from a collection of papers.
  • to highlight equations and to be saved a Latex greek symbols inside a dollar sign as well which could be implemented with a method similar to MathPix (https://mathpix.com/).
  • Using Inspire-HEP/NASA-ADS/arxiv citation key in the bibtex files created by Paperpile.
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Thanks @Rahul_Kashyap for your feedback. We are well aware that mathematicians and physicists use LaTeX to write their papers. For example, Paperpile already integrates with the popular LaTeX tool Overleaf. Moreover, we are happy to let you know that better BibLaTeX support, improved conversion of UTF-8 characters to plain BibTeX and better control over what fields are exported to BibTeX/BibLaTeX are all planned for the next release of Paperpile this year.

The abilities for Paperpile to find all PDF with notes/annotations/highlights etc. and the ability to highlight an equation and convert it to LaTeX syntax have been requested before, and are already under consideration. The ability to export notes from a collection of papers is already planned for a future release. I have added your +1s for these feature requests to our internal tracker.

We have passed on your feedback on using Inspire-HEP/NASA-ADS/ArXiv citation keys to the development team.

Finally, the ability to export your thoughts as you read a paper is possible with the current version of Paperpile, albeit not with LaTeX equation rendering. As you highlight and annotate a paper, you can export your highlights and notes as a summary by clicking on the summary button in the left hand panel of the PDF viewer. You can then export your summary as a pdf, or copy/export to plain text, rich text or markdown.

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A more modest but related request is that I would like to be able to turn off the interpretation of underscore to be used as a delimiter for emphasized text. Even if LaTeX rendering remains unsupported, at least, let me be able to type x_i,y_j without the text between the two underscores being italicized. For me a global option for turning off this would be sufficient.

Of course, if possible, please add LaTeX rendering, I tried “Tex All the Things” but it does not seem to be doing anything for me.

Seems this feature hasn’t been realized yet, just wonder if the progress still on hold.

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I’m also very interested in this feature (MathJax rendering in comments). Zotero has it and it works well.