Formatting Citations

Apologies for the novice questions:

  1. Adding a citation with page numbers is straightforward, but as I type, all the citations are piling up together in large font, rather than remaining at the bottom of the page where they are cited. How do I change this format?

  2. Though I have the full web app open in another tab, and am signed in, it seems that my doc and Paperpile aren’t exactly connected. Should it appear this way?

Thanks for any advice anyone may have!

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  1. Which style are you using? Are you inserting citations as footnotes? That can be done via the Insert option in the document’s top menu or Ctrl+Alt+F. Let me know if you meant something else.

  2. Google Docs and our web app can be open at the same time, but one does not really affect the other (unless you modify one of your references from the library, which would be reflected in the document after hitting Format citations). As long as you’re signed in to the same account on Chrome, Paperpile and Google Docs, everything should run smoothly.

Please feel free to post any further questions or observations you might have.

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