Full text search in PDFs

Still in the works - some internal tests for advanced search have already been carried out, but expected timings for betas have shifted. We will be releasing updates of our extension and web-app UI first, then advanced search and other features will follow. Your patience is much appreciated and should soon be rewarded :pray:t4:


Any updates on how it is going?

Still in the works, but solidly on our roadmap. We will announce updates once available!

+1 I for full text search. When I moved from EndNote and Mendeley to Paperpile I didn’t realize how much I actually need/use full text search.


I add my vote for this search option - much needed!

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Add my vote, too! This is a very important feature.

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Fully agree with this feature request!

This is single thing missing which might drive me to choose another software.


Amazing, we have been asking for this feature for almost 8 (eight!!!) years now…


+1 for this feature. It’s quite critical to be able to search for the paper where you came across certain terminology/idea. It’s making me look for alternatives.


+1 Searching full text, tags, and annotation would be a HUGE booster and much-needed feature.


I signed up for Paperpile, but will have to switch to Zotero without an ability to do full-text search and search for specific fields (title/abstract).

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We’re almost there, @Brian_Keane – advanced search options will be implemented in the upcoming revamp of our web app and UI. Private betas will begin soon and public release is expected before the end of the year :crossed_fingers:t4:


Just checking in on the status of this - hope it truly is coming soon. Looks like we got similar “just around the corner” messages in Dec '20 and April '21 and here we are in August '22… might be time to jump ship for zotero


@Bill I understand your hesitation. It has never been our intention to mislead or make empty promises (particularly on a public forum). We are truly nearly there, though – sharing a roadmap earlier this year was a way of solidifying our commitment to releasing all the items marked as Started before the end of 2022. Nothing else I can ask besides a couple more months of your patience.

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Thank you, this is very helpful!

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Another +1 for full-text search. The ability to search a term across my Mendeley Desktop library and see a list of preview snippets of where it comes up in each PDF, in context, is incredibly helpful and is the last thing keeping me from switching over to Paperpile.


Just discovered Paperpile this past week and am glad that this will soon be added as a feature! I’ve been shifting between various reference managers for the past year as a grad student looking for a good tool. Hopefully I won’t have to switch again.

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@vicente, full text search was listed as an option for 2022, do you have an update on this? This is one of the things that is enticing me back to Zotero.

Thanks in advance

Welcome to our forum, @Gareth_Lock! A new, completely-rewritten web-app and extension are currently in technology preview stage – most things are implemented, but the interface/design is still being finalized. Full-text PDF search is not implemented in this version but should be in a wider release, expected by spring. That and other upcoming features are listed on our roadmap.


Thanks. I presume ‘Spring’ is 2023? :smile: