How to remove a paper link from google scholar

one of my paper was published without authorization or approval and without any payment on

we therefore notified the related publisher and they removed the paper. however the name of paper is still available at google scholar on the link given below.

paper name: Pressure Sensor Based Reliable (PSBR) routing protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks,5

we have contacted the journal again and they said they have already removed the paper but they cannot remove the link. Google scholar will automatically remove this link in couple of weeks as there is no paper attached with this link. the link is considered as fake.

so how can i get to remove this link permanently, so that it doesn’t appear in search

I’m not sure if I understand the question. Paperpile is not affiliated with Google Scholar in any way so we cannot remove links from Google Scholar.

I am facing a problem. One of my papers has been removed from journal as per my request but it’s still showing in Google scholar. But i need to immediately remove it from google scholar search.
Link is:

Welcome to our forum, @sadia_farhana! As @stefan points out above, we are not in any way able to edit the content in Google Scholar – you would have to contact Google directly. I found this thread in the Google Support page, although the link shared for contact appears to be broken. Sorry I don’t have more advice to share.