Improvements to AIAA style conference citations

I recently started using Paperpile and the one issue that I have run into is producing proper BibTeX citation files using the AIAA Journal citation style, specifically citations for AIAA conference papers. I am not entirely sure if the issues is based on the .csl style for the AIAA Journal that Paperpile uses, or if it is somehow more an issue with the backend of Paperpile. If anyone has suggestions on how to sensibly get the citations to work with less manual adjustment, I would love the feedback/suggestions. The following is a more detailed explanation of what I have been doing and the issues I have been running into…

The citation style given by the AIAA citation guide is to present the papers as the following:

[10] Neifeld, A., and Ewert, R., “Jet Mixing Noise from Single Stream Jets using Stochastic Source Modeling,” AIAA Paper 2011-2700, June 2011.

The AIAA assigns a number (here 2011-2700) to indicate the year and paper number and this is the most useful way to find these papers using a bibliography. The citation guide specifies that this paper number should be in the citation and not the Conference name. There are three ways that I have tried to organize them but the only way to get it to actually work is somewhat dodgy:

  1. Cite as a “Book Chapter” because this is how Paperpile automatically imports these papers from ARC (Aerospace Research Central)

  2. Cite as “Conference Proceedings” because this is what it seems like it naturally should be. But this produces nearly the same exact wrong results as “Book Chapter”

  3. Cite as “Miscellaneous” and manually inputting “AIAA Paper 2011-2700” in the how published field.

Only the “Miscellaneous” method produces the right BibTeX/formatted LaTeX bibliography. And that is primarily because “howpublished” actually shows up in the generated BibTeX. There was no similar field that I could get to show up in either @ INCOLLECTION (Book Chapter) or @ INPROCEEDINGS (Conference Proceedings) when I had Paperpile generate a BibTeX citation. I have tried Short title, Original Title, Series Number, and Custom sub-type and all produced identical BibTeX citations. (Additionally: Paperpile writes out “American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics” for the publisher instead of shortening it to AIAA per the AIAA Journal citation guide)

Generated BibTeX using Book Chapter and Conference Proceedings with no manual modifications:
@ INCOLLECTION{Neifeld2011-nb,
title = “Jet Mixing Noise from Single Stream Jets using Stochastic Source Modeling”,
booktitle = “17th {AIAA/CEAS} Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd {AIAA} Aeroacoustics Conference)”,
author = “Neifeld, Andrej and Ewert, Roland”,
publisher = “American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics”,
series = “Aeroacoustics Conferences”,
month = jun,
year = 2011

Compiled @ INCOLLECTION bib item using aiaa journal bibliography style in Overleaf

Neifeld, A., and Ewert, R., “Jet Mixing Noise from Single Stream Jets using Stochastic Source Modeling,” 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), Aeroacoustics Conferences, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2011.

Compiled @ INPROCEEDINGS bib item using aiaa journal bibliography style in Overleaf

Neifeld, A., and Ewert, R., “Jet Mixing Noise from Single Stream Jets using Stochastic Source Modeling,” 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2011.

Generated BibTeX using Miscellaneous and manually inputting AIAA Paper 2011-2700:
@ MISC{Neifeld2011-nb,
title = “Jet Mixing Noise from Single Stream Jets using Stochastic Source Modeling”,
booktitle = “17th {AIAA/CEAS} Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd {AIAA} Aeroacoustics Conference)”,
author = “Neifeld, Andrej and Ewert, Roland”,
publisher = “American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics”,
series = “Aeroacoustics Conferences”,
month = jun,
year = 2011,
howpublished = “AIAA Paper 2011-2700”

Compiled @ MISC bib item using aiaa journal bibliography style in Overleaf

Neifeld, A., and Ewert, R., “Jet Mixing Noise from Single Stream Jets using Stochastic Source Modeling,” AIAA Paper 2011-2700, Jun. 2011.

Again, this is mostly an inconvenience because I can make it work using the Miscellaneous reference type. But this is tedious when importing a lot of papers and also results in the omission of the green text below the title in Paperpile that both helps with sorting and I personally think just looks better. If there is a better workaround, I would love to hear it. If not, then hopefully this post can encourage slight modifications to either Paperpile or the AIAA Journal .csl file.


Hi Emma, are you working in Overleaf? LaTeX does not work with .csl files, you need a .bib file and .bst file to create a bibliography. Have you included the correct BibTeX style file (.bst) in your document? A .bst style file is needed for formatting citations in LaTeX and BibTeX. If you have the correct one included with your document files on Overleaf, you should not have to change the references in the .bib file. The following template might be what you need: Preparation of Papers for AIAA Technical Journals - Overleaf, Online LaTeX Editor Notice it has new-aiaa.bst included in the template.

Hi Suzanne, I am working in Overleaf but the .csl usage I am referring to is in Paperpile. For LaTeX, I am using the new-aiaa.bst and pasting the BibTeX generated from my Paperpile into a .bib file in the Overleaf document. But the issue is originating somewhere between the importing of an AIAA conference paper and the BibTeX file generated by Paperpile.

The AIAA Journal .csl that I am referencing is when selecting the drop-down menu for CITE in Paperpile, choosing Change Citation Sytle, and then searching for AIAA. From this search, I am choosing the “AIAA Journal” option which, to my understanding, causes Paperpile to format it’s citations using the american-institute-of-aeronautics-and-astronautics.csl. Now that I think about it, I am not positive whether this .csl impacts Paperpile’s generation of BibTeX citations (Ctrl+B), or only preformatted citations (Ctrl+C).

Essentially, I was wondering if there was any adjustments in the past 22 years that make something like obsolete. That includes a BibTeX field labeled “PaperNum” that can be used to input that AIAA Paper number for LaTeX.

Thank you for clarifying - I now understand the issue is to do with automatic generating of the BibTeX entries. Interestingly, Google Scholar auto-generates the bibtex entry for the Neifeld paper as follows: @inproceedings{neifeld2011jet,
title={Jet mixing noise from single stream jets using stochastic source modeling},
author={Neifeld, Andrej and Ewert, Roland},
booktitle={17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference)},
Putting it into the Overleaf template, that one does not appear correctly either.