iOS App: Viewing highlight content and note in Annotation view

When viewing highlighted text with notes in the annotation viewer tab, it would be really helpful to be able to see both the note and text highlighted itself. As you can see in the attached screenshot, I currently have a note attached to the highlight and a separate note next to the highlight. However, as soon as I attach a note to the highlight, I am unable to see the original text that is highlighted—so if I am quickly browsing my annotations, I am not sure to what my note/comment is referring to (i.e. the third annotation in the screenshot).

My current workaround is doing the note separately ( like the 1st note “catharsis definition”) and putting it next to the highlighted text (“Rather, catharsis…their death.”). This works fine except that as you can see, it doesn’t necessarily line up with the chronological order of the text, and it’s a bit unintuitive.

It would be really great if this type of highlighted note had the attached note on top and then then the highlighted text underneath it (maybe slightly greyed out?) when seen in the annotation viewer. That way I don’t have to make a separate note next to the text so I can see both the text and any dialogue I’m having with that text.

Thank you!

Screenshot: paperpile feature request.png - Google Drive

Thanks for the feedback and details, @t-sang. Just wanted to confirm I’ve added your request to the relevant topic in our internal tracker for the team to review/consider. Although we’re not focusing on the mobile viewer at the moment, I understand there are some updates planned for the future.