iPad app freezes constantly


I love Paperpile for iPad, but the las couple of days the app constantly freezes and has problems syncing with the server.

I’m using a fourth gen iPad Pro with iPad OS 14.7.1and Paperpile 1.3.2.

Anyone else with this issues? Can the support team help me out? The app is unusable.

I have tried rebooting, re-logging and re-installing the app.

I reinstalled once again and it seems to be OK now. Apparently the last time the initial sync process was not successfully completed and that may have generated all the problems.

Welcome to our forum, @Marko.bremer! Thanks for the report and follow-up - glad to read a second reinstallation did the trick. No similar issues reported recently, so hopefully it’s an isolated sync issue like you suggest. Feel free to reach out again here or via chat/email at any time if needed.

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