Keeping multiple articles open at once on Android/Ipad

Hi there, I was wondering what solutions people use when working with multiple papers at once in android or ios/ipados?!?

When using paperpile in chrome, I find I collect quite a lot of tabs at once in order to jump between them when answering whatever question I have… and I am wondering whether this is something that people have managed to reproduce effectively on mobile platforms?!

If not, is this a future feature that could be implemented into the Paperpile app?!?


I would very much like to see this feature. I guess on laptop this connects to having a desktop app where you can open multiple pdf simultaneously.

+1. Also I’d like to have a folder which keeps log of recent opened files.

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Thanks for the bump @Rahul_Kashyap and @lyx, and for the original request @Jason_Mikiel-Hunter. Just dropping a line here to confirm this request and your feedback is recorded on our internal tracker for the team to consider moving forward.

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Any updates on this?

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I would find it highly usefull. THis function is not quite the same as recent files, that also still requeres you to click to get in to the pdf.