Labels visible with shared results

Hi, I’m a medical librarian and use Paperpile to share search results with clients. It would be really nice if applied labels were visible with shared results. This would make it much easier to highlight specific papers that the client might be interested in (e.g. review papers, papers published in Australia (in my case) and so on). As well as benefiting clients, it would also be appreciated by librarians as would allow them to provide a better service. Gold star :star: for being able to assign different colours to different labels for easier perusing of results etc. As well as my use case, it would probably be appreciated in any setting where multiple people are involved.Thanks Rob

Thank you for your request, @Rob_Penfold. Can you clarify what you mean by applied labels being visible with shared results? If you create a shared library, you can create an independent set of labels for the references in that library, with all the features of labels (colors etc.). Would that be suitable for your use case?

Thanks Suzanne. It’s when you share results with someone using either the little paper plane icon at top rightish (Share vial link or email) or using the three dots to the right of a folder > Share. Looking like the same option basically. With both approaches, I copy the link (having every option enabled in case that was the issue) but on the resulting web page the labels aren’t visible. I tried your link (create a shared library) so the folder was shared right from the outset. This did result in some differences (folder in a new location, old tags no longer available) - however sharing via the paper plane (other option disappeared) still resulted in a page with no labels visible. I did see there is now a new feature to Manage Labels and add colours which is nice but would be much better still if my clients could see them too. I also tried sharing via email with the same result (in passing - the subject line received with that largely had just the first article title which could be confusing to people receiving it - would be better if had a more informative subject). Possibly missing something entirely - I can see the nice new coloured labels but as yet I haven’t been able to get it such that someone else could also see them. Regards Rob

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Thank you for sharing the details, @Rob_Penfold. What you’d like is to also share the labels associated with each reference shared in sharing links, so I’ll add this request to our internal feature tracker for consideration by the team. I’ll add that in sharing links for shared libraries, while we share the folder structure, we don’t currently share the labels (on the left hand side of my screenshot).