Login problem in Paperpile for iOS with Google account

Hi there! I’ve trying to login with my university google account (@ug.uchile.cl) in the Paperpile App on my Ipad 6th gen (software version 13.5.1). When I put my email in the Sign in window and then press the button next, the process stays stuck indefinitely. I’ve been trying with other google account and the behavior is the same mentioned before.

Do you know if this is a known problem with a solution?

Hello there, I resolved this issue disabling the requestIdleCallback option on Settings › Safari › Advanced › Experimental features › requestIdleCallback.

Welcome to our forum, @alonso_carvajal! Thanks for the report and for sharing the solution you found - no similar cases so far, but I’ll share this advice if there are. Please don’t hesitate to reach out again with any questions or observations you might have.

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