McGill Proxy Connection Not Working

I am properly logged in and authenticated with the McGill Proxy service, I can use it directly on journals such as NeuroImage, however Paperpile reports “fail” when testing the proxy and the login button doesn’t go through a login flow properly.

Gabriel, could you try logging out of the McGill proxy, Paperpile and your Google account on the browser, restarting, logging back into everything and re-attempting? Checking from another browser (MS Edge, Brave, Vivialdi…) wouldn’t hurt, either.

Otherwise, would it be possible to check with the IT or library dept. whether there have been any changes on their end? Let me know.

Gabriel, could you try logging out of the McGill proxy, Paperpile and your Google account on the browser, restarting, logging back into everything and re-attempting?

I have logged out and in. I can successfully go through the login-flow from the proxy settings in Paperpile and “login successful”, but if I try the test button, it still fails.

Checking from another browser (MS Edge, Brave, Vivialdi…) wouldn’t hurt, either.

Linux here, MS browsers not available.