Missing citation style for J Pediatr Res

I’m submitting a paper to the Journal of Pediatric Research, but have not found a format function for it in Paperpile. Could this journal be added to the Paperpile citation list? The reference format is: Journal : Last name(s) of the author(s) and initials, article title, publication title and its original abbreviation, publication date, volume, the inclusive page numbers (Instructions to Authors - The Journal of Pediatric Research). Thank yoU!

Welcome to our forum @TBD. We get our citation styles from the Citation Style Language (CSL) Repository, and it looks like this style is not available there. But the style used in this journal looks similar to the Vancouver style, so you could try using that.

Other options include requesting that the Journal of Pediatric Research style be added to CSL, or you could edit an existing style like Vancouver to meet the journal requirements and upload the modified style to Paperpile via going to your profile picture in the top right and going to Settings > Citation styles.