It would be extremely helpful to launch annotations (as they appear when clicking on “Open annotations in new tab”) from within Paperpile. This would allow you to quickly review your annotations for each reference without having to launch it in PDF viewer.
That’s definitely planned.
Agreed, this would be a nice addition.
I had just been considering submitting a similar feature request: a permalink to the formatted HTML version of the annotations file. Sometimes it would be helpful to be able to insert a link to my annotations from Google Docs.
(Also, what about a Snapshot tool, where the user can drag a box around a figure or table and have that embedded as an image in the annotations file? I often find myself wanting to be able to do this.)
Actually we already have added a snapshot tool to the new version of our PDF viewer. We are currently trying to figure out how to technically handle this image data together with the other annotations in our new notes system. So it might take a bit longer, but it’s something we have started to implement.
That’s great. Will be very useful.