Option to add ":" in the modifiers to in-text references

Hi Andreas

The referencing style I am working with at the moment doesn’t use “Page” in in-text references for specific items (like an image, quote etc.) but rather formats them like this:

(White and Folkens 2005: 42)

but Paperpile formats the same reference like this:

(White and Folkens 2005, page 42)

Now the main part of the reference (White and Folkens 2005) is formated via my cictation style file (CSL) but the “, page” bit looks like it is purely down to Paperpile.

I know when I am inserting the reference and editing it to add the page info if I click on “Page” then I can change that to other subdivisions like “book, chapter, line, verse” etc. but I wondered if it was possible to add “:”?

Or is there some other way that I’ve missed? (is it a case that I need to be more specific in the CSL code?


Hi Andy. Is it possible that you have not formatted the citations yet? Are your references blue in color? If so, go to Paperpile --> format citations. You can change the CSL by going to Paperpile --> Citation style…

Otherwise, send me your CSL file or the name of the style you are using and I will have a look.

Hi Jason,

Yes I’ve formatted citations.

I’m using a custom CSL that I wrote in XML based on the CSL editor that is online and I’m constantly tweaking and updating it as I get it closer to what I need for my univeristy’s referencing style (they only support bloody endnote .ens so custom CSL is my only option).

However, I was under the impression that the modifier that adds “page” or “chapter” etc. to a reference that you edit in the inline text references was part of the Paperpile plugin for Google Docs and not defined in the CSL? If it’s the later just say and I’ll edit my CSL and specifically define it there (although any pointers as to the variable or label that equates to would be really helpful).


Those modifiers are part of CSL. Actually, everything about the final appearance of the citation is part of the CSL. If a reference says, i.e. (Holland 2016, pp. 732-6), the “pp.” part is usually found in a label which references a locator variable. Here’s the relevant bit from the APA6 style:
<macro name="citation-locator"> <group> <choose> <if locator="chapter"> <label variable="locator" form="long" text-case="capitalize-first"/> </if> <else> <label variable="locator" form="short"/> </else> </choose> <text variable="locator" prefix=" "/> </group> </macro>

To get just the “:” between the year and the page numbers, you would have to remove the label completely, and either direcly add the colon as a text element, or set it as a delimiter between the year macro and the locator macro for intext citations. Btw. you can always upload your csl file to http://editor.citationstyles.org/visualEditor/ where you can both click your way to various edits and immediately see their effect on a range of different sample citations. You will have to change the sample citations via the menu on the right to display page numbers:

Let me know how this works out for you.

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