Hi there,
I am interested if there is any way that I could place the “Paperpile” small button onto any page that I want? i.e. by incorporating some html/javascript code on the custom page? After searching for a while, I am unable to find any information on this topic.
Or alternatively, is there an API call that I can ask if my Paperpile library already contains certain DOIs?
Thanks for the request, @zhao.paperpile. I’m afraid I must disappoint as we don’t yet offer any sort of official API to customize or play around with.
Integration with other tools has always been at the core of our strategy so having a full API is definitely a long term goal for us. In spite of recurring demand we estimate that few of our users would actually use it; although we are quite excited about the integrations they might build it seems our efforts are spent better elsewhere at the moment.
I understand the limitation this poses for you but unfortunately have no workaround to offer. I’ve added your +1 to the topic on our internal tracker to bump its popularity. Hopefully we’ll be in a position to consider it more seriously sooner rather than later.
Thanks @vicente for the reply and future consideration of having an API. I understand the rationale.