Paperpile for Word private beta (closed)

We’ve released a new update. Thanks to all users who provided feedback. That’s what’s new:

  • Reorder citations via drag and drop.
  • Automatically merge two or more adjacent citations.
  • Store credentials in the operating system keychain for more security on shared computers.
  • Connect automatically to newly opened Word documents and a few more fixes related related to opening and closing documents.
  • Fixed an error preventing adding and editing citations if there are special fields in the document (e.g. customized table of contents).
  • Fixed a bug when signing out during library syncing, and a few more optimization of the sign in process.
  • Fixed a bug when uploading to Google Docs from a network folder (e.g. OneDrive).
  • Various other bug fixes and optimizations.
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I’m not sure if that’s possible within the CSL framework we use. I have not see such a style before. I would guess most of it would be possible with a highly customized CSL style except the tab between the two columns.

  • The multiple screen issues is something we definitely want to address. There are a few more issues related to where (or where not) the dialog appears. For example, we want to show it also in full screen mode.
  • We have planned a variation of the citation dialog where you can view the list of items that are already cited at all times. Would that help to select frequently cited items?

That would be really helpful, yes!

For some reason my faculty has frankensteined together this citation style and requires it for the doctoral thesis…

The inline citations are Harvard style (author-date), the bibliography is ISO-690 but with this IEEE Style prefix.

So I was kinda able to mash it together in the CSL, it’s basically just putting the author-date macros in front of the bibliography entry group.

But it looks like this in Word:

<span style="baseline">Andress &#38; Winterfeld</span> 2013 Andress, J. & Winterfeld, S. 2013. Cyber Warfare: Techniques, Tactics and Tools for Security Practitioners. Waltham, MA : Syngress Publishing. ISBN 9780124166721.

So the ampersand code and the styling tags don’t get interpreted properly?

I have imagined it to turn out like shown here when I use the second-field-align=“margin” property on the bibliography tag:

In the online CSL editor it looks like this btw:

I currently cannot use Word Plugin (windows). Word starts, and the paperpile app loads. When I open a fresh document and try to add a reference I get the error “Could not connect to the active document. Please retry.” Should I send the debug results? Thanks for any help.

Hi, Joshua, I had this problem. I was able to fix it by deleting everything (including the folder), and reinstalling the addin.

I tried it and I get the same results. :confused:

Hi all,
I’m now getting this error as well (“could not connect to the active document”). I tried reinstalling the plugin and this issue seems to still be there. This was working before, though, so I don’t understand why suddenly there’s an issue.

I had an old v.0.6.1 install and tried that, and while it doesn’t give the “could not connect” error it simply doesn’t work-- trying to search for a reference is just a constant “Loading” message.

I am using Office 365 version of Word.

@Joshua_Lawrence Did you ever find a resolution to this?

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I might have missed this (if so I apologize), but is there a way to have keyboard shortcuts within the citation-add dialog box? Or is that on the road map?

Specifically, I would love to be able to go from the search box to the selected result and access the citation modifiers panel without using the mouse. As far as I can tell, right now you can use the keyboard to search and select a reference, but to access the modifiers panel you have to use the mouse.

I’m having some weird issues with my Word plugin; when I add new references, I have to quit Paperpile in my system tray, and restart it so it will sync again. Is this just me, or is anyone else having this issue?

Also, the plugin by itself does not seem to work without manually starting Paperpile from the Start menu first. Any thoughts on this?

You are not alone. I am having the same problem and am talking to support about it.

The error appears to be one-way for me. If I insert a new reference, or edit one, in the browser, it is not showing-up in the plugin. But if I edit a reference through the plugin, those edits do propagate to the main web interface properly.

I’m using the Paperpile Word plugin on Windows 10. I assigned a shortcut to insert a Paperpile citation, which happens to be a shortcut I reuse for another purpose in a different program.

I noticed that the paperpile.exe doesn’t stop after I close Word so that even when I hit the keyboard shortcut in another program and Word is closed, the Paperpile dialogue pops up.

@Joshua_Lawrence @Raj_Giri I’m sorry for a late response. Please contact me through the in-app chat if the issue is still not resolved, I will need more details, and preferably the log file as well. Thanks!

@ckjodz @nhultin We had some syncing issue, they should all be solved now. Please contact me through the in-app chat if it’s still not working for you.

Customizing the shortcut to open Paperpile is on our roadmap, we are planning to add an option to preferences to set any shortcut you like.
It is true the app doesn’t close when you close Word, it is just hidden in your system tray (you can see the “P” icon there). Other popular apps (e.g. Skype) behave the same way. You can close it completely by right clicking the “P” and selecting “Quit”.

It’s easy enough to quit the app, yes, but it’s still a little strange that a Word plugin should stay open after Word is closed. It would be a different story if Paperpile was usable outside of Word to search references on Desktop.

It would be a different story if Paperpile was usable outside of Word to search references on Desktop.

That’s actually the plan.

We have release a major update today. A big new new feature is our new online search. The goal is to allow you to cite articles and book as fast as you cite references you already have in your library.

We will introduce this feature with a blog post in more detail. For now I can only ask you to try it out and tell us what you think!

  • Search articles and books online and directly cite them in your Word document. Use advanced search options to look up authors and journals or search specific fields.
  • New design for welcome and sign-in screens.
  • Keep the citation style of a document when converted to/from Google Docs.
  • Fix some Google Docs upload issues.
  • Fix localization of citation styles for some less common languages.
  • Allow the use of deprecated citation styles.
  • Limit the size of the log file.
  • Easier re-ordering of citations via drag and drop.
  • Test for correct Windows version (Windows 10) during install.
  • Various other bug fixes and optimizations.
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That’s not possible at the moment but we have plans to do that. Actually very concrete plans because the goal is to do everything without the mouse. For example, in our latest release we added support for online search including advanced search options. It’s all designed around a keyboard only workflow and you see hints for shortcuts everywhere in the UI.

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