Would it be possible to pull PDFs using the oaDOI API? Obviously these should be pulled as second preference to the originals as they may be pre-prints. It would be very useful where one doesn’t have access.
Or we could just pull straight from Sci-Hub… which is what I normally end up doing anyway!
Getting full text PDFs is complex. it’s not about" customizing APIs" I’m afraid, as there are practically none. It’s a mix of various complicated crawling strategies.
If Paperpile does not get a PDF and you know a way to get it, let us know and we look into it.
Please consider allowing users to specify an alternative URL for PDF fetching.
To be specific, I imagine that paperpile could allow a user to prepend or append a URL like http://localhost:8888/papers/ to a search list. That endpoint would receive a POST’d payload with the full citation info and be expected to return a PDF. (Or, perhaps even a set of PDFs and/or supporting data.)
This feature would enable users to customize paper fetching, caching, sharing, and transport to suit their environments.