RIS Export Attachment Names with spaces

I’m having trouble exporting references with the attachments. I think I might have found the issue. I’ve changed my file names to remove spaces (see screenshot).

However, when I export the RIS file, those changes don’t seem to be reflected in the RIS file. There are still the original spaces. (See screenshot)

Any suggestions to resolve this? I’m imagining I need to use find/replace in a text editor to modify the RIS file, but wondering if there is an easier solution?

Or actually, it’s not just the spaces. The custom naming pattern isn’t reflected at all in the RIS file, so that’s not solvable with find/replace…

Thank you for reporting this issue and for providing screenshots, @Chante . The team has made a bug for the issue, and a fix will be included in a future update.

@suzanne Great, thanks! What’s the best workaround in the meantime to do the export? Is there a “reset all changes” to my file name preferences so that they match the RIS file?

@Chante The team has released the fix for this issue as part of the latest update. Can you let me know if it now works for you?

Wow! Yes, it’s fixed. I was imagining the fix taking weeks or months… Y’all are amazing. Thank you!!!

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